
The Title IX Coordinator maintains records of all reports under this policy and their outcomes.

Release of Information

If a report of Sexual Misconduct discloses a serious and immediate threat to the campus community, Carroll University Public Safety will issue a timely notification to protect the health or safety of the community as required by the Clery Act. The notification will not include identifying information about a Complainant.

Pursuant to the Clery Act and the 2013 Amendments to the Violence Against Women Act, anonymous statistical information regarding reported criminal incidents must be shared with Carroll University Public Safety for inclusion in the Daily Crime Log. This information will also be included in the University’s Annual Security Report. The University may also share aggregate and not personally identifiable data about reports, outcomes, and sanctions.

No information, including the identity of the parties, will be released from such proceedings except as required or permitted by law or University policy.

Title IX Inquiries

Inquiries concerning Title IX may be referred to:

Alexandra Smith | Title IX Coordinator
304 N. East Avenue, Center for Student Life and Wellness 205, Waukesha, WI 53186

Office for Civil Rights
500 W. Madison St, Suite 1475,Chicago, IL 60661
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